There’s a line from the song “For Now” from the musical Avenue Q that goes, “Don’t stress, relax, let life roll off your backs.” That’s the theme for this concert, which we’re calling “High Hopes: Music for a Joyful Life.” We’ll explore some of life’s ups and downs, with songs from the Beatles, contrasting spirituals, hits by Josh Groban, Rascal Flatts and Fats Waller, folk music and much more. We guarantee to put you in “a drivin’ swiingin’ groovey mood”!
Palatine Park District’s Allegro Community Chorus, under the artistic direction of Kevin Kelly, is a fast growing chorus of talented community members that blend their voices to bring arrangements of the season to life.
Performance Dates & Times
Friday, April 26, 2019 at 7:30pm
Individual Tickets
$7.00 – Regular, in advance
$10.00 – Regular, at the door
Cutting Hall Performing Arts Center
Allegro Community Chorus